This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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On a Plane to Mexico

The first line is always the hardest to write

Please offer one to me

Because there's only so many words

That fit and mold and make up poetry

We changed the outline of the world, you and I

We lay the stars down at our feet

I have held the sun in my tiny hands

Twist beneath a satin sheet

From a mile high and lost in thought

We meet up eye to eye

You, so sure of yourself, so sure of us

Me, just about to cry

You take the bullet for me

And I await the balloon to land

We know it will be beautiful in the end

But for now, please hold my hand

Oh it's the climax of our fairytale

You wait to draw your princess out

But what lies for me in your waiting arms?

The end to my fear and doubt?

You smile at me to change the world

And sometimes I just don't know

But then sometimes I write poetry

On a plane to Mexico

A good ending can be as hard to write

Sometimes harder yet

To find a way to sum it up

Close my eyes and just forget