This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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God, I rememer how you used to smile at me
from across the room
and somehow we just knew
what each other were thinking
And I remember meeting up with you
on the corner
in ten minutes
and we'd take those long walks
and talk
about everything
or we'd talk about nothing
and that was okay too
I remember Friday nights at your house
staying up until we were delirious with tired
and laughing way too loud
I remember when we'd take out my old paddle boat
Because it wasn't as hot on the water
and we would just float around until we hit the shore
so we could lay on my dock
staring at the sky
Or when I'd jump out my window at night
and meet you there
and that was okay too
And I remember the Appalachian trail
Right up the street
and we always planned to walk the whole thing one day
with only water
and a box of granola bars
cause that's the way we were
which was okay
I miss finding notes from you in my locker
and reading your emails
and talking on the phone until the sun came up
cause I remember how you made me smile
when we'd go to the movies
and get there early
so we could run mad in the parking lot
then stay late and push each other around in shopping
And I remember how you learned all the words to
   'American Pie'
so you could sing it with me
cause you knew it had always been my favorite
and you knew the whole story of why
and we would get the whole bus to sing the chorus with
and they thought we were crazy
but that was okay
I remember that we used to tell stupid jokes
and thought they were funny
And we would watch the George Carlin specials
or make up our own jokes
that we never told to anyone else
so they had no clue what we were laughing at
and that was okay
And I remember dancing in the street in the dark
or laying in the grass in my front yard
until those girls walked by
and we jumped up and said 'hi'
and they screamed
but it was okay
I miss watching those scary movies
in my bedroom
late at night
hiding behind my pillows
and my big stuffed duck
and I remember that staring contest you had
with a poster on my wall
and we were so sure we saw it blink
And I remember flinging rocks with a spoon
cause there was nothing else to do
and that was okay
I remember your handwriting
how you would underline random words
and change the spelling
just because
And I introduced you to all those different kinds of music
and you would laugh at me
and sing the songs in silly voices
and I miss those dramatic pauses we'd take
when we reached the top of the hill
like Superheros
And we wanted to get a great big bus
full of beanbag chairs
and just drive around
and I remember when I married Superman
and you performed the ceremony
And I miss throwing around the big green ball
and you'd play with my hair
And I'd calm down
and you'd smile
and I'd smile
and we'd both start laughing
and we didn't know why
and that was okay.