This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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This is about how everyone tells me that whatever I think is wrong, everything I do or say is wrong, and my views of the world are wrong.

There once was a girl that the world condemned
Because her thoughts were different
and she wouldn't bend
and she didn't want to be just like everyone
and do what everyone else had done
but the world refused to accomodate
and they looked at her with disgust
and hate
But she saw no point in doing what could not make her smile
that's why she was in pain for such a long while
and they told her they needed to be realistic
and when she spoke,
they wouldn't listen
To her, society was a dead end
and she didn't have a single friend
But she kept fighting to live life her own way
and it grew harder everyday
And, though she'd suffered so long, the level of pain was new
on the night she realized what she had to do
So she swallowed and fought not to break down
As she let them know she'd come around
Quietly killing her own free spirit
as she bent to their will and let them hear it
And she walked in the direction they pointed to
and what they told her,
she would do
So they congratulated her on being so smart
and never realized they'd forced her to break her own heart