This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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I knew you'd be part of that circle
The first time I saw you
And  I knew we'd be the best of friends
I knew
When it was time for me to go
I would miss you terribly
I knew I'd miss the way you looked at me
When I was being a moron
And the way we talked in a sort of code
And all those little things we had
that made us laugh so hard
Like the potato bong
And the monkey
But we can't talk about the monkey
And I knew I'd miss what we brought out in each other
We would both get so random
And laugh at things
That we knew wouldn't be funny tomorrow
At least not to anyone else
I would miss our regular get togethers
Seven dollars
To see a movie that we wouldn't really watch
And then make fun of for weeks to come
And incorporate ourselves into
I was Lilo
You were Stitch
We were Pippin and Merry
But we walked out long before The Lord of the Rings was over
And yelled obsenities when Harry Potter strayed too far from the book
Then a cup of coffee
Even though we didn't need the caffiene
I'd miss how I would talk about music
And all these really left of center bands
And you actually knew what I was talking about
I'd miss eating packets of sugar
In the hall
After school
And running into walls
Cause we were the wombats
And you drew one on my hand
That I stamped the bricks with
Outside the bandroom
I knew I'd miss that
And our little jam sessions
And how we would talk about bringing our acoustics to school
And sitting in the middle
Of the busiest hall
During the switching periods
And making up songs
To sing off key
And I'd miss how you'd drive up unexpectedly
And we'd cruise for a while
In Dustin's car
And the compliments you'd pay me
Even though I thought I hated them
And I knew I'd miss the way too long phone calls
Where we just ran rapid fire for hours
I knew I'd miss you