This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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I miss you because you never offered advice
You'd never say my ideals were wrong
I miss you because, in all my delusions
You'd just smile and play along
I miss you because you wouldn't grow up too fast
You never let things jade you at all
I miss you because you would think of me
And drop everything to call
I miss you because you had stories to tell
There was always something to talk about
And we never needed purpose
We could carry a conversation without
I miss you for laughing
Even when you were down
I miss you for always being there
When I came around
I miss you for saying you needed me
For telling me I was there for you in return
And because we could hold hands and walk together
And it wasen't a thing of concern
I miss you for being awake late at night
We both knew we weren't alone
And how you knew it was me
Before you picked up the phone
I miss you for all our joint philosiphies
And because you forced me to decide
And because there weren't secrets
And nothing was locked up inside
I miss you because, when I was afraid to say something
I'd be able to say it to you
And you didn't react outwardly
Because that made it easier, which you knew
I miss you because of that empty house
A familiar two blocks away
And because I could wait forever
And you wouldn't come out to play