This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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To whom It May Concern

Feel free to use this as your suicide note. No, I'm just kidding. In fact, if you think you may kill yourself, go to the "Who the hell am I?" page, and email me. I've been there and I'm a good listener.

To whom it may concern
I'm really not alright
To whom it may concern
I can't sleep at night
To whom it may concern
I'm tired inside
To whom it may concern
I want you to know I tried
To whom it may concern
It's beginning to take shape
To whom it may concern
It's not easy to escape
To whom it may concern
I think this is the end
To whom it may concern
I haven't got a friend
To whom it may concern
I've grown tired of trying
To whom it may concern
I'm sorry that I'm dying

Poem by Kyle