It was quiet in the hall
their faces showed the age
I looked out at them all
As I took the stage
I sang, out rang my voice
It rang from off the walls
They did not obsorb the noise
It echoed through the halls
I sang to them my pain
I showed them how I feel
thus inside it start to rain
And the dark did start to peel
I sang to them my heart
And to them, their own returned
I sang their hurt apart
And inside a candle burned
Their faces grew expressions
As I sang to them with hope
They one by one made reserections
As I taught them how to cope
I sang to them a dream
As their own dreams were reborn
I sang to them new theme
And away the old was torn
I sang to them love
And inside, their own love grew
I sang down from above
And they were born anew
Their last pains disappeared
And joyful laughter filled the air
As their saving journey neared
And I sang them into prayer
So I sang them on their way
And they followed, one by one
I sang the words I couldn't say
And again did shine the sun
Now tomorrow I will come again
And new people there will be
I will sing onto them hope
But who will sing to me?