This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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The Perfect Person

The perfect person
is not afraid to have a steak
to put on some weight
maybe even act a little human
the perfect person
can admit they don't know what they're doin'
even say, "I've got no clue, man."
to see their triumphs along with their flaws
not scared of the mess they might cause
the perfect person
is not the best singer
the best painter
the perfect person
might even be a fainter
get a little sick
act a little crazy
and cries like a baby
the perfect person
might get high on occasion
get drunk on Friday
the perfect person
may walk the wrong way
the perfect person
still rides the rides
down at Disney
the perfect person
still has scrapes
on their knee
the perfect person
will tell you to shut up
and can get a little
out of line
the perfect person
isn't size two
still dosen't know
what they want to do
with their life
the perfect person
isn't always right
and buys the generic brand
to save cash
even listens to
The Clash
broke half the time
without a dime
gets a little messed up
in the mosh pit
and if they're unhappy
they quit
the perfect person
stands up for themself
the perfect person
still needs help
the perfect person
may require contacts to see
the perfect person
is not me