This Enigma with the Ocean Eyes...

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Who the hell am I?

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So, why did I start this site? Well, quite simply, to share my work. Not that it's particularly good, I just enjoy feedback (including constructive criticism). All the writing on this site is 100% Kyle Westwater, and it has all been copywritted, in case you were getting any ideas. Though why anyone would want to steal MY work is beyond me. All disclaimers apply, where the fanfiction is concerned.

I'm a very bored person with a lot of time on my hands and I'd love to hear from you. Tell me how much you love this site, hate this site, what you had for dinner last night, what your day was like... Come on, do it. You know you want to.
AIM: rockerbirdcage


So, who am I?

Quite simply I'm a hippy, model, actress, musician living off in Mobsterville, NYC with the rest of my angry chick rock 'n roll sister band. An experimental, vegetarian, poet who likes to paint murals on bathroom ceilings and dance in Central Park in "Free Hugs!" t-shirts, jeans, and Chuck Taylors. Yeah, that's me.

I am a chick. And my name is Kyle. Not Kyla. Not Kylie. Kyle. I'm small and dainty and I like frilly things and pretty colors and saying "I love you." unlike any man who isn't Taylor Hanson. I am a chick. Named Kyle. Move on now.